Available for the month of July only!

Get the support you need as you prepare for birth and the postpartum period.

Learn from local experts about:

  • Postpartum nutrition
  • All about doulas
  • Pregnancy pain management techniques
  • Pillars of postpartum health
  • Newborn routines + sleep

Save $25 when you purchase this bundle of 5 classes.



Your Instructor: Dr. Jesse Lillejord

Meet Dr. Jesse Lillejord, the founder of CHIRO FOR MOMS. She set out to design a clinic experience that addresses women's unique physical needs and their busy schedules. CHIRO FOR MOMS is the result of that vision.

She is a mother of two girls, married to the man she's known for over 20 years. They bought a farm last year + spend most of their time gardening, bon-firing, and prospecting the land.

Her life runs on coffee, she loves to dance + you might catch her painting or renovating the barn [ with her mighty power tools ] on her days off.

Your Instructor: Dr. Paige Ferrazzo

Meet Dr. Paige, a Canadian and the newest member of the SHIRO FOR MOMS / CHIRO FOR KIDZ team!

She’s quirky + smart + lovable + fun! She snowboards, climbs cliffs with her bare hands [ rock climbing ], and in true Canadian fashion - plays hockey.

She loves dogs + humans alike - hence the professional path into chiropractic care + nurturing patients. She’s Italian - so she talks fast - and she’s a bit of an energizer bunny [ she keeps the team hopping ].

Your Instructor: Hallie Rogers

Hallie Rogers is a certified postpartum doula, lactation educator, and lactation counselor.

She draws on her years of experience supporting women as they welcome new babies and working in the world of childbirth professionals to bring you information you need to determine if a doula might be right for you.

Her company specializes in birth doula and postpartum doula support, while offering families comprehensive, wrap-around care with services tailored to the unique needs of the childbearing time. She loves collaborating with others and believes that when women support women, amazing things happen. You can always connect with her through her website and follow Better Beginnings on Instagram or Facebook.

She lives in Saint Paul with her husband and four children, and her own birth and postpartum experiences provided her with some of her best professional development.

Your Instructor: Dr. Katie Eagle

Dr. Katie Eagle is a board certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She practices pediatric primary care with a naturally minded approach to health and wellness.

Dr. Eagle works to meet families where they are at on their health journey, and includes nutrition, herbs, and supplements to promote healthy physical and energetic bodies.

She has a passion for nutrition, and she shares recipes for the whole family over on her website: krunchykatie.com

Your Instructor: Dr. Michelle Haggarty

Dr. Haggerty is board certified in family medicine, integrative medicine and lactation. She is the founder and owner Fourth Trimester Doc, a private practice that provides in-home care for mothers/birthing people and their newborns during the first 3 months postpartum/4th trimester. She has a Masters in Public Health and Nutrition from the University of Minnesota.

She has had a passion for infant nutrition, breastfeeding/chestfeeding, maternal/child health since her undergraduate eduction. Her focus on 4th trimester care began after the birth of her two young children and her first hand experience with the lack of postpartum care for new mothers/birthing people. Her mission is to change the narrative around matrescence and ensure that all women/birthing people receive quality care during their 4th trimester.

Your Instructor: Jenica Domanico

As an occupational therapist, Jenica helps her clients create new routines to support life with a newborn.

She's the owner of Mom + Me and Motherhood Flow, where she provides specialized care and support for new parents. As a mom of three, she saw a gap in healthcare and support for postpartum mothers in particular, and she created Mom + Me as an answer to that.

Services support both physical and mental health, and this support is not limited to first-time parents or parents in early postpartum. You can connect with Jenica and learn more about her services at her website, MOM+ME.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long are recordings available?

You'll have lifetime access to these recordings and class materials, so you can complete on your own time (or go back and re-watch later if you want a refresher!)

How do I access the classes?

Once you've purchased the class bundle, you'll have instant access to all classes included. You can complete them in any order.